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Space is full of unknowns for humanity. Although the space travels that adorn our dreams are still at the level of dreams in the real sense, it is much easier to realize these dreams in the series. The space travel adventure that started years ago under the leadership of Captain Kirk continues with different mission leaders. These journeys extending into the depths of space can sometimes be for the search of a new habitable planet, sometimes for sending help to a different universe that needs help, sometimes for scientific exploration, and sometimes just for space travel. In our world, where we define every space being other than ourselves as aliens, thanks to the series, we have understood that all beings in the universe, including us, are actually aliens. We can see that there are many different species from different galaxies on an exploration mission ship. It is really exciting to bring together these adventurous series and publish them as a list. You can watch these series and share the experiences of the crew by traveling into the depths of space.
Thursday, December 12, 2024 - by Caner Ozdemir