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Racing Interviews

NASCAR consists of three basic elements, teams, drivers and fans. Each is important alone, but when they all meet on the track in harmony, the spirit of NASCAR finds itself with speed, noise, and competition. I talked with Jocelyn Fecteau, driver and team owner of JF77, about the importance of sponsorship for NASCAR teams.
by Meryem Aksoy
Founded in 2014, Santara Group offers talent management and brand marketing services to a wide range of global clients. I talked with Adam Acworth, founder of Santara Group, about their 360-degree management service and the importance of individual sponsorship in professional sports.
by Meryem Aksoy
BMX races are always at the highest level of adrenaline and everything can change at a moment. Gaby Malenfant successfully managed this situation and he won the Gold Medal at the 2018 Canadian BMX Championships. I talked to Gaby Malenfant, about the importance of individual sponsorship in BMX racing.
by Meryem Aksoy