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Who is your favorite Game of Thrones character?

We have watched many TV series for years. Then one day, Game of Thrones came with the prophecy that 'Winter is Coming'. With its unexpected scenes, shocking moments, big budget and captivating everyone from the young to the old, Game of Thrones became the most talked about topic in the television world in a very short time. Now, GoT characters and events have started to be shown as examples in the discourses about life lessons. Whether someone in our daily lives is a traitor, a hero, a friend, or a malicious person, there were always characters in Game of Thrones that we could compare them to. Everyone took characters close and distant to them into their lives. We loved some of them very much, and we really hated some of them. If we ask which character you liked the most from the Game of Thrones series that lasted for years and which we hosted in our homes, what would be your answer?

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - by Melisa Kaya

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Who is your favorite Game of Thrones character?
Jon Snow
#1 Jon Snow
Arya Stark
#2 Arya Stark
Cersei Lannister
#3 Cersei Lannister
Loras Tyrell
#4 Loras Tyrell
#5 Gilly
#6 Bronn
Samwell Tarly
#7 Samwell Tarly
Khal Drogo
#8 Khal Drogo
#9 Gendry
Grand Maester Pycelle
#10 Grand Maester Pycelle
Petyr -Littlefinger- Baelish
#11 Petyr -Littlefinger- Baelish
Roose Bolton
#12 Roose Bolton
Daenerys Targaryen
#13 Daenerys Targaryen
#14 Ygritte
Margaery Tyrell
#15 Margaery Tyrell
Podrick Payne
#16 Podrick Payne
Theon Greyjoy
#17 Theon Greyjoy
Euron Greyjoy
#18 Euron Greyjoy
#19 Hodor
#20 Melisandre
Bran Stark
#21 Bran Stark
Ellaria Sand
#22 Ellaria Sand
Sansa Stark
#23 Sansa Stark
Gregor -The Mountain- Clegane
#24 Gregor -The Mountain- Clegane
Catelyn Stark
#25 Catelyn Stark
Grey Worm
#26 Grey Worm
Lord Varys
#27 Lord Varys
#28 Ros
Robb Stark
#29 Robb Stark
Tywin Lannister
#30 Tywin Lannister
Sandor -The Hound- Clegane
#31 Sandor -The Hound- Clegane
Oberyn Martell
#32 Oberyn Martell
Jaime Lannister
#33 Jaime Lannister
High Sparrow
#34 High Sparrow
Barristan Selmy
#35 Barristan Selmy
Eddison Tollett
#36 Eddison Tollett
Davos Seaworth
#37 Davos Seaworth
Daario Naharis
#38 Daario Naharis
Tyrion Lannister
#39 Tyrion Lannister
#40 Qyburn
Joffrey Baratheon
#41 Joffrey Baratheon
#42 Missandei
Jorah Mormont
#43 Jorah Mormont
Eddard -Ned- Stark
#44 Eddard -Ned- Stark
Stannis Baratheon
#45 Stannis Baratheon
Tormund Giantsbane
#46 Tormund Giantsbane
Brienne of Tarth
#47 Brienne of Tarth
#48 Shae