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Lifestyle - Interview

Interview with Tim Hsu, Founder and CEO of Ztylus Innovation

Tim Hsu is designing innovative products to solve the problems encountered during the use of different products. I asked Tim Hsu, Founder and CEO of Ztylus Innovation, about innovative solutions that he designed.

by Beren Dere
Interview with Tim Hsu, Founder and CEO of Ztylus Innovation

Interview with Tim Hsu, Founder and CEO of Ztylus Innovation

Lifestyle - Interview

by Beren Dere

Our life is so comfortable thanks to the inventors' designs. Tim Hsu designed the Ztylus Revolver product to get rid of the problem he discovered about optical lenses attached to smartphone cameras. In addition to the Revolver lenses, the Ztylus brand offers different optical lenses and solutions to its users. I talked to Tim Hsu, Founder and CEO of Ztylus Innovation, about his designs and brand.

Tim Hsu, Founder and CEO of Ztylus Innovation

Tim, how did you first interested in smartphone solutions and optic lenses?

Photo : Tim Hsu, Founder and CEO of Ztylus Innovation

Since everyone has a smartphone, and the smartphone is not limited to just a phone, actually it gives revolution to a lot of industries, including the camera industry, the best camera is the one with you every day.

How did you decide to establish Ztylus Innovation?

When I started the company, I actually want to build a unique Stylus Pen for the iOS system, that is why we named our company Ztylus, since I believe based on different user experiences, people may need a stylus for better performance than using their fingers on the touchscreen. Of course, as you can tell, we are no more limit ourselves on stylus pen products and now we expanded to many other industries.

Ztylus Innovation

Ztylus Revolver

What inspired you to design Revolver Lens? What are the features of Revolve Lenses?

Since I use some other existing smartphone lens system, and I hate the lens caps, since it is complicated to put it on and take it off, and they are so easy to get lost, that's why I want to design a uniques system, which doesn't require any lens cap, and quick to install and use. As you can tell, the revolver lens actually combines several different lenses into one rotatable unit, and you no more need any lens cap.

Ztylus Innovation

Ztylus Revolver

Which smartphone models are compatible with Revolve Lenses?

At this moment, we are focusing on the iPhone ONLY. We tried a few Samsung and Huawei phones before, the iPhone is always our favorite.

Ztylus Innovation

Ztylus Z-Prime

Could you tell us about your newest lens Z-Prime?

The Z-Prime lens is a new approach to high-end smartphone lens, which we team with experienced optics engineer to design the professional level lens groups for a smartphone.

In a sense, they are proof of your success. Could you briefly tell us about the design awards that you won?

We proudly won the 2016/2018 CES Innovation Awards.

Ztylus Innovation

Ztylus Apple Pencil Case

What type of different products do you offer? Could you briefly tell us about your other products?

While we are continuing with our current smartphone lens lines, we are exploring other products like Apple Pencil Case, Emergency Escape Tools, and recently we are working on a new type of Smart Gun Control Device to avoid misuse of a firearm.

Ztylus Innovation

Ztylus Revolver

Social media is based on smartphone and photo. How do you use social media for Ztylus Innovation? How can our readers follow Ztylus Innovation?

We didn't spend huge amounts on social media campaigns, all of our audience are built naturally based on our reputation, thanks to all the users spread good words about us.

Ztylus Innovation

Ztylus Dimmable LED Tripod Mount Light

How can our readers buy Ztylus Innovation products? Do you have a worldwide delivery option?

Yes, if you purchase from our website, we deliver to worldwide; for the domestic buyer, you can also find our products on

What is next for Ztylus Innovation?

NON-STOP Continuous innovation is our goal.

Thank you Tim.

For more information, please visit website of Ztylus Innovation

This interview was conducted in a Question-and-Answer format. The answers were checked for grammar and punctuation and published without any additional editing. Thursday, September 13, 2018. All photos are the property of their respective owners.