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Lifestyle - Interview

Interview with Tammy Rant, Founder and CEO of TushBaby, Inc.

I talked to Tammy Rant, about the Kickstarter project success that proves that mothers need this innovative and unique design baby carrier TushBaby.

by Melisa Kaya
Interview with Tammy Rant, Founder and CEO of TushBaby, Inc.

Interview with Tammy Rant, Founder and CEO of TushBaby, Inc.

Lifestyle - Interview

by Melisa Kaya

TushBaby, Inc. is a California-based innovative product development company which has a goal to be a household brand name known for high-quality baby/parenting products. Tammy, as a mother of two girls, knew all the needs of a mother and she has begun to design TushBaby, in July 2017. When she noticed the common interest of mothers to TushBaby, she started TushBaby Project on And TushBaby made 12 times more sales than the campaign target. I talked to Tammy Rant, Founder and CEO of TushBaby, Inc., about the Kickstarter Project Success of Strapless and Unique Baby Carrier TushBaby.

Tammy, before we start talking about TushBaby, could you tell us about yourself and your team?

I live a loud, messy, colorful life. As a mother of 2 girls with another little lady due in October, I participate in a lot of dance parties, constantly find glitter in random places, and try to learn from their daily meltdowns - and my own.

Before founding my own company, TushBaby, I spent most of my career as a Software Sales Rep. Today, I'm building out a team of female go-getters to help us get more TushBabies out into the world.



How did you discover your entrepreneurial spirit? What was the motivation for you to start TushBaby?

I was 8 years old when I first discovered my entrepreneurial spirit. On Friday nights I'd sneak onto the local golf course, clean the golf balls I'd found, and then resell them to the golfers the next morning. I always had ideas about how to solve problems for people with products, but never actually took the next step until I came up with TushBaby.

My second daughter wanted to be held a lot (still does) and I found it really uncomfortable. Putting on a strap-in carrier was a pain and she often wanted out as soon as I'd strapped her in. So I went looking for an easy, comfortable way to carry my kids. And when I couldn't find anything I created my own way with TushBaby. I wore it all the time at parks, BBQs, running errands, etc. People came up to me constantly asking where they could buy one, and telling me what a great idea it was. That's when I realized there was a real need for this product in the world and that it could help lots of other parents and caregivers. I knew I needed to take the next step and make this available to everyone who needs help carrying their kids.



What are the main features and advantages of TushBaby?

TushBaby allows you to easily and comfortably carry your kids - and your things. It's got four storage pockets with enough space to stash diapers, wipes, snacks, keys, phone, sunglasses - you name it. It evenly distributes your baby's weight and absorbs some of it making it comfortable to carry your little ones without popping out your hip or straining your back and arms. It's chiropractor-recommended for adults and pediatrician-recommended for babies. You can use it from birth for breastfeeding support and up to 3yrs of age as a hip seat. So it's a product that parents can use for a long time unlike many other baby products on the market.



What were the key points of TushBaby's Kickstarter project success?

I think the product itself was the key to our Kickstarter success. We focused on making a premium-quality product offered at an affordable price point. It solves a major problem for parents and caregivers. And based on the feedback we're getting from customers, it's already improving their lives!

How do you envision the future of TushBaby?

We plan to be a household brand name known for our high-quality baby/parenting products. We're already working on accessories for TushBaby and are planning to launch other products in the future.



What is your advice to other entrepreneurs who want to start a new project on Kickstarter?

Don't give up! If it was easy to launch a business everyone would do it. Reach out to other people who have had successful projects in the past and ask for advice. Do as much research and preparation as possible before you launch. 90% of the work for Kickstarter starts before you even hit "create project."



What is the importance of Social Madia for your brand?

We're less interested in telling people what we offer, and more interested in seeing others who are using and loving TushBaby in their real lives. TushBaby isn't the hero here. Parents are. Caregivers are. Happy kiddos are. We want to see how TushBaby helps people while they're out and about, or at home on the couch. Social Media gives us a true view of how real people use TushBabies to better their lives.



How can our readers buy TushBaby?

We're taking preorder sales on our website now at and will be shipping next month.

Thank you Tammy.

For more information, please visit website of TushBaby

This interview was conducted in a Question-and-Answer format. The answers were checked for grammar and punctuation and published without any additional editing. Saturday, August 25, 2018. All photos are the property of their respective owners.