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Interview with Luke Flickinger, Co-Founder and Owner of QuickSafes, about RFID Hidden Compartment Safes
Home - Interview
by Beren Dere
When we buy a safe to hide our precious goods, we try to find a place to keep them nonvisible at home. But when we need something that we put into it, first we have to reach to the safe and try to open it, and this takes some time. For that reason, we do not prefer to put our daily life components such as our medicines, identities and different keys into the safes. The father and son team, Michael and Luke Flickinger, who were aware of this situation, decided to design an easily accessible safes that would be looking like a piece of a house, and QuickVent Safe idea was born. With its unique RFID lock feature, QuickVent Safe won the “Best New Product” award at the SHOT Show, Las Vegas. I asked Luke Flickinger, Co-Founder and Owner of QuickSafes, to learn more about RFID Lock technology and QuickSafe products.
Could you tell us about QuickSafes? What was the inspiration to establish a security solutions company?
It all started when my dad (Michael) saw a couple of major flaws in the security solutions that were being offered at the time. The first major flaw was that there weren’t any safes that offered immediate access. When you’re locking something up that you need daily access to-like medication, for example- spinning a dial or typing in a code can be very inconvenient and time consuming. We found that this inconvenience really discouraged people from locking up dangerous medications-and even firearms. So, we’re left with people leaving highly addictive prescription medications out in the open-where anyone can access them, and we are left with people leaving loaded firearms in accessible nightstand drawers-where children and teenagers can get to them. We saw this as a huge problem and knew that the only solution would be to design a safe that offers immediate access. The second major flaw that needed to be addressed was that the safes that were on the market were not hidden or discreet. This made them easy targets for thieves. The two key elements we decided to focus on were Immediate Access and Hidden-in-Plain-Sight, and that’s when we designed QuickVent Safe.
RFID technology made your products more secure. Could you tell us the usage of the RFID keys on the products?
Radio Frequency Identification was the perfect technology to use in solving the problems that we wanted to be solved. It gave us the Immediate Access that we needed - all the user has to do is wave a unique RFID card over a sensor and the safe opens up in less than 2 seconds. It also allowed for us to design a safe with a hidden access point. With an RFID lock, there is no need for a key hole, a keypad, or a dial. There is a small computer system inside each safe that transmits a radio wave. When the radio wave reflects off of an RFID key with the proper credentials, the safe opens up. This gave us the freedom to make the safe look like an everyday, household object.
QuickShelf Safe is looking very stylish beside its security. Please tell us about the features of the QuickShelf Safe.
The QuickShelf Safe is really growing in popularity. It’s a functioning shelf that allows the user to display personal items on the top while hiding valuables on the inside. Each shelf is hand-made with high quality materials here in the USA. We wanted to not only offer a high-tech safe but also a high-end piece of beautiful furniture that the user will proudly display.
QuickVent Safe is looking like a part of the room so this makes it virtually invisible. Could you tell us about this Award Winning Product?
The QuickVent Safe is awesome! It fits on your wall and looks like an ordinary air vent. The QuickVent was the first product we ever made. We started out making them by hand in our garage, and then started taking them to local tradeshows. Everywhere we went, people loved it. Once we knew that we had a product that people wanted, we doubled-down in January of 2015 and brought on an engineer as part of the team. He helped turn our rough prototype into a beautiful final product. In that same month, we traveled to Las Vegas to feature our product in the world largest tradeshow for shooting, hunting, and firearms - SHOT Show. Each year at the SHOT show, there is a contest looking for the “Best New Product” in which the 60,000 attendees vote on their favorite product of the year. We submitted the QuickVent Safe into the contest and won the award. That’s when the company really took off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqdLeNbvCoA&t=3s
Can your customer mount the QuickShelf Safe to the wall without any professional assistance?
Yes, all of our products are designed to be installed by the customer. We have step-by-step instruction as well as instructional videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2BUx7BTg4Y
What are the common features of QuicKSafes products that makes your brand different from your competitors?
We are always striving to be the best. We are the first company to use RFID technology for this type of application, and we are constantly looking to approve and incorporate the latest technology. We make products that are practical, stylish, and cutting-edge. We also take pride in the products we make. Each customer gets a 1-year warranty that fully covers the product.
What is your common goal as a team?
Our common goal as a team is very simple. We want to keep people safe, and we want to design products that apply the latest trends in style, technology, and security.
What do you think about social media? How do you use social media for QuickSafes?
Social Media has been a game changer for QuickSafes. I don’t know where we would be without it. After our initial success at tradeshows, we decided to start utilizing social media videos. We posted a video on Facebook in October of 2016. That video got more than 30 million views in 1 weekend. Since then, the video has hit over 42 million views. This helped us to start reaching new customers all over the globe. https://www.facebook.com/quicksafes/videos/1295174567189161/
How can our readers buy QuickSafes products?
Our website ships world-wide. All you have to do is order on our website QuickSafes.com. Our products ship out within 3 days of purchasing and are guaranteed to be delivered within 10 business days.
What is next for QuickSafes?
We are constantly trying to utilize the latest advancements in technology to provide the customer with the best experience possible. Without giving away too much information, we have been working hard over the last year to develop a new lock that will utilize more advanced technology and give the user an experience we haven’t seen done before with a safe. We plan to launch our new lock in October of 2018. You’ll have to wait until then to get more specifics. ;)
Thank you Luke.
For more information, please visit website of QuickSafes
This interview was conducted in a Question-and-Answer format. The answers were checked for grammar and punctuation and published without any additional editing. Thursday, August 9, 2018. All photos are the property of their respective owners.