Fashion - Interview
Interview with Fashion Model Jasmine Douglas
Fashion - Interview
by Beren Dere
Jasmin stepped into modeling career at age 10 and officially signed as an adult in 2016. She appeared in different fashion and cosmetic campaigns throughout her career. In order to learn more about her modeling career, lifestyle, and future plans I talked to Jasmine Douglas and she answered my questions so friendly. Enjoy the interview!
Jasmine Douglas
How did you decide to be a professional model? Who or what inspired you?
I have been a model since I was 10 years old thanks to my mother, Cindy Douglas. In 2016, I made it an official career choice and I have been solely pursuing it since then. I deeply believe in Legacy and so everything I do, I think about the example I am setting for my children as well as presently what kids and young adults see me as today. One woman I look up to is Joan Doan, she was a model when she was my age and now she is a producer for a TV network called Trinity Broadcasting Network. She is a mother of 2 boys and she is married to a man named Jason Doan. They are a strong beautiful family. She is such a humble, beautiful soul and everything she does is with excellence and professionalism.
When did you sign with an agency?
I officially signed, as an adult, in November of 2016.
What was your first job? How did it feel?
My first job, as an adult, was for a Clorox bathroom Scrubber informercial. It was so exciting because it was a direct booking and I had been going to casting after casting hoping to get a callback and didn't for months and my first job didn't even require me to go to an actual casting. Such a great experience.
Jasmine Douglas
What is your dream modeling job?
I will be on a billboard and it will be international.
What magazine would you like to be on the cover of?
I am eager to see myself on the cover of Vogue Magazine.
What do you enjoy most of the modeling?
I love meeting new people and being on different sets, with different crews. I have learned that I am the chosen solution to a problem that the client had so whether I am holding the product or wearing or modeling around it, I have to bring it to life so that the product or project can have a true human connection. I am the bridge.
What are your hobbies?
I love to dance and I love to go on adventures. I am a planner and my schedule is always packed with something to do so every chance I get to just do anything and let the day take me where it does. I cherish those moments deeply. Mostly, those type of days consists of spending time with my wonderful boyfriend, friends and my two brothers. That makes my heart so full. We roller blade and swim, and create, make music and laugh and it's a beautiful time.
Jasmine Douglas
What is your personal style?
I love wearing sundresses or overalls, no makeup, and comfy shoes, cute subtle necklaces and bracelets (I wish we didn't have to wear shoes) I could rock that style everyday.
How do you keep in shape?
I workout everyday. Whether running or dancing I make sure to move my body and break a sweat everyday.
What is in your purse or backpack?
My laptop, chapstick, my hard drive, adaptor, charger, notebook, pen, I have makeup wipes.
Who are your favorite designers?
I believe Louis Vuitton is a beautiful designer. I don't own anything Louis Vuitton but I know I will one day. I admire the design very much. It's clean simple.
Favorite photographers?
Suzette Allen is one of my favorite photographers, she is located in San Fransisco. She is a representative of Panasonic and she is fantastic! I also enjoy working with Benjamin Pete he is located in Atlanta, GA. He has great energy and he knows what he is doing. Vision and perspective are extremely important to me. They both have so much and they are humble and their work is constantly blowing me away.
Jasmine Douglas
Favorite brands?
I thrift more than anything. So honestly, if it's intruding or different I will wear it. I am not closed off to a specific brand.
Favorite snack?
Sliced apples and extra crunchy peanut butter!
Favorite music?
Anything that can make me move. I am open to any genre of music.
Favorite movie?
Sleepless in Seattle with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks
Favorite city to visit? To shop?
I love visiting Minneapolis, Minnesota. I can shop anywhere but something that makes shopping in Minnesota so great is the fact that there is NO TAX on clothes
If you weren't a model, what would you do?
I would probably be a preschool or kindergarten teacher. I love children.
Jasmine Douglas
Favorite social media platform? IG info?
My favorite social platform is Stumble Upon because I can always learn something I didn't know about someone or something. It's a great site that gets you trapped in a good way. So much information and so much to see. My Instagram is @truejas
What advice would you give someone starting out?
I believe the most important thing you MUST do before you even step foot in front of a camera or meet with an agency is you have to set a foundation. You need to have a moment with yourself and truly understand your personal intentions, convictions, standards and morals you have set for yourself. Why are you doing this? What will you or won't you do for money? Where do you want to go? If you don't choose and stay grounded in that foundation, the world will choose for you and you'll lose yourself.
Thank you Jasmine.
This interview was conducted in a Question-and-Answer format. The answers were checked for grammar and punctuation and published without any additional editing. Monday, July 16, 2018. All photos are the property of their respective owners.