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Fashion - Interview

Interview with Fashion Model Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella shaped her lifestyle by taking her first steps to the fashion world in Mexico City when she was 16.

by Beren Dere
Interview with Fashion Model Daniella Duque Dominquez

Interview with Fashion Model Daniella Duque Dominquez

Fashion - Interview

by Beren Dere

Daniella shaped her lifestyle by taking her first steps to the fashion world in Mexico City when she was 16. Right now, she is an experienced model and also a Lifestyle blogger. In order to learn more about her modeling career, lifestyle, and future plans I asked Daniella Duque Dominquez and she answered my questions with the experience of being a blogger. Enjoy the interview!

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella Duque Dominquez

How did you decide to be a professional model? What or who inspired you?

I started at a really young age in Mexico City when I was 16 because I was always tall and thin, love posing and all of the modeling world so that was mainly the reason I started.

When did you first sign with an agency?

Started with Green when I got to Miami around 4 years ago. Consider them my mother agency!

What was your first modeling job? What did you feel?

My first job with green was a print shoot with verabradley (I didn’t know what to expect because was my first shoot in the US, turn out to be a great job and loved it, with an amazing rate)

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella Duque Dominquez

What is your best model experience ever?

Definitely being booked for the Grand Cayman tourism, not once but 2 years in a row!

What is your dream?

Being able to keep on traveling for work (anywhere) that's always my dream

What magazine would you like to be on the cover of?

Women's Health magazine

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella Duque Dominquez

What do you enjoy most of the model life?

My favorite thing is that each booking is a new experience, always differente, being able to meet new people, it is just great.

What are your hobbies?

I am also a Lifestyle blogger/Influencer so ai keep my self-busy in photo shoots at least 2 times a week, blogger events, creating content for brands..just fun fun!

What is your personal style?

Being a blogger I keep updated with trends, so always try new things, but love summer clothes, dresses, and boho look.

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella Duque Dominquez

How do you keep in shape?

Monday to friday my alarm sounds at 4:30 am I go running to the gym and workout four another hour there. Weekends I workout too. Its a lifestyle just enjoy fitness.

What is in your purse or backpack?

My agenda, need to keep control of my time and plans during the day, week and month.

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Who are your favorite fashion designers?


Who is your style icon?

Rocky Barnes

Favorite music?

Colombian Music(keep my traditions strong)

Favorite snack?

POPCORN- LOVE it so much.

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Favorite movie?

I love movies and have many. I guess the notebook is one of my TOP ones.

Favorite place to travel?

LOVE to travel the world. Bali (Indonesia) was a very nice place to visit would love to go back.

Favorite city to shop?

NY truly find great stuff there.

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella Duque Dominquez

If you weren't a model, what would you do?

The other thing that I do, Blogger/Influencer.

What are your plans for the future?

Keep on doing what I am my career.

Daniella Duque Dominquez

Daniella Duque Dominquez

What is your favorite social media platform?

INSTAGRAM @daniduqued

How can we follow you on social media?

Subscribe to my blog for amazing lifestyle content

What was the best advice you’ve ever received?

You have total control of your life, life is what you make from it.

Do you have any advice for someone who wants to start modeling?

You truly need to enjoy being in front of the camera and keep on shooting and growing your social media that will open lots of doors.

Thank you Daniella.

Follow Daniella on Instagram

This interview was conducted in a Question-and-Answer format. The answers were checked for grammar and punctuation and published without any additional editing. Wednesday, July 18, 2018. All photos are the property of their respective owners.