Lifestyle - Interview
Interview with Architectural Photographer Veronica Morales Angulo
Lifestyle - Interview
by Melisa Kaya
Veronica Morales Angulo was born in Viña del Mar, Chile and studied photography in Bogota, Colombia in Taller 5, University of Design and Photography. After her graduation, she moved to Italy in 1999 and she has been working as an architectural and jewellery photographer for the last 18 years. Architectural photography is her passion which reflects Veronica's point of view. I asked Veronica Morales Angulo about the Importance of Photography in Architecture, the basics of photography, and her career.
Veronica, before start talking about architectural photography, could you tell us about yourself? Who is Veronica Morales Angulo?
I’m 47 years old, I was born in Viña del Mar, Chile and then I lived most of my life in Bogota, Colombia until I finished photography university.
In 1999 I came to live in Italy to attend a master in photography and here I spent my last 18 years.
In these 18 years, I've been working as a photographer, I've married and I have 2 sons, 11 and 8 years old.
Photo by Veronica Morales Angulo
How did you decide to pursue a career in photography? What or who inspired you?
I remember having this passion since I was a young girl but finally, I decided when my cousin called me and said: “Veronica, do you know how you can study photography here?” That day my life changed and I remembered I run to the university to take all the info I need. 3 months after I was registered and started attending the courses.
The magazine's covers and the covers of LP (long players) vynil discs and then CDs inspired me, soon the dream came true and I shot one LP cover many years ago for a Colombian band.
Photo by Veronica Morales Angulo
Could you tell us about Veronica Morales Angulo Photography?
I studied photography in Bogota, Colombia in Taller 5 (University of Design and Photography), for 4 years.
After some years I finished university I went to live in Milan, Italy and I did a master in a fashion photography in the John Kaverdash School.
In 2000 I started working for Showbit.com as a photographer for fashion, and then I was upgraded to Photographers Coordinator for more than 10 years.
I also worked with Photoweb and VRX Studios as hospitality photographer.
Jewellery? With Gismondi1754, shoot still life, I did 3/4 brochures and catalogues.
How would you describe your photographic approach?
I always try to show people different angles that a normally people when visiting any architectural structure never see or never stop to look at, and the relationship between architecture and the environment it lives in, like to look what happens out of that window...
Photo by Veronica Morales Angulo
What type of services do you offer to architecture firms?
I offer to portrait spaces, buildings, interiors, boutiques, shops, hotels and hospitality structures.
How long does it take to complete an average architectural project's full photo work?
It all depends on how big and complex it is, and usually on the number and variety of the photos the client requests. But usually, a boutique can take 2 days (shooting + post-production)
Hospitality, can take 3-4 days just shooting and 3 days with the post-production.
Which factors determine the project budget?
Time, distance and expenses.
What is the most important component of a spectacular architectural photograph?
Composition, angle, perspective, lights and shadows.
But the most important ingredient for me is the passion for architectural forms.
Photo by Veronica Morales Angulo
How does the work of a professional architectural photographer add value to the architectural project?
By visually disclosing the harmony and contrasts, the plays of light, perspectives and relationships that are inherent in the project but do not show at first glance and to every viewer.
What do you think about the effect of a good photograph in the buyer's decision?
Umm at this moment is very difficult because the big brands want the famous photographers the smallest wants the shippers' photographers is very hard.
Photo by Veronica Morales Angulo
Do your equipment and project plan vary depending on the size of the building?
Well, for architectural photos I usually bring 3 lenses that work for any project and a very High Res DSLR like Nikon D850.
Project Plan?... Maybe is more a dream but I want to be very influential shooting exhibitions museums involved people and kids to visit. My sons have an Instagram account and always I invite them to show in her Instagram stories how cool is visit architectural buildings, exhibitions, etc
What type of works do you prefer most, is it interior or exterior?
I love exterior but also some interiors are very interesting to me, especially museums.
Photo by Veronica Morales Angulo
What are your expectations from your clients for a suitable shooting environment?
The first thing is communication, a clear and smooth communication is the most difficult to have right from the start with all the people involved.
I need the building or the space clean.
The people who work inside the space should be made aware of the importance of facilitating me shooting good images for the company and for their own professional images.
How do you protect the rights of your photographs in this online era?
My photos are on my website and they aren’t available to download, on Instagram is difficult because people can easily download the images from their computer, but the resolution is lower.
Could your clients use the photographs in any publication, catalog, website, ad or other platforms in the future?
Yes, I also write in the proposal that in the price royalties are included and I specify the use the client can do with the images.
Photo by Veronica Morales Angulo
Smartphones and affordably priced DSLR cams made everyone is more enthusiastic about photography. How did this affect the professional photography industry?
That’s really sad when people say I can do my own photos with the smartphone, the problem is when they want to print a catalogue, a book, or make a poster ... at that moment they start understanding the difference between smartphone and DSLR Cameras.
What advice would you give to photographers who want to pursue a career in architectural photography?
That is very difficult and to shoot professional photos you need building up a deep experience.
What type of different solutions do you offer for different needs? Could you briefly tell us about your other services?
I’m also a Jewellery photographer, I can help firms as a photography or image coordinator, with graphics, catalogues, website, besides control color, retouch, print, etc.
What is your favorite photograph that you have ever taken?
Photo by Veronica Morales Angulo
What do you think about social media? How do you use it for your profession?
I have my Instagram account @archellery that shows and sometimes blends my architecture and Jewellery photography. I upload my photos and show my latest works there.
I'm planning to develop it to be an influencer in architectural spaces and hotels by showing people how great would be visiting those spaces.
Shooting and showing people unusual, attractive images to make them dream of being there.
How can our readers follow Veronica Morales Angulo Photography?
@archellery in Instagram and Facebook/vmoralesangulo
Anything you would like to add that I haven’t asked?
Yes, I have a project to make special photography books of different spaces: Airports, museums, exhibitions, religious buildings, etc
Thank you Veronica for this enjoyable interview.
For more information, please visit website of Veronica Morales Angulo
This interview was conducted in a Question-and-Answer format. The answers were checked for grammar and punctuation and published without any additional editing. Saturday, August 18, 2018. All photos are the property of their respective owners.