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Interview with Angelyn Myers, Inventor of My Buddy Towel

Some of the challenges may be a source of inspiration for innovative products that can solve these problems. Angelyn Myers designed My Buddy Towel to solve a problem that she has lived in her daily life. And now, as well as being a mother of six children, offering a new solution to other mothers with her design.

by Mehmet Kaplan
Interview with Angelyn Myers, Inventor of My Buddy Towel

Interview with Angelyn Myers, Inventor of My Buddy Towel

Home - Interview

by Mehmet Kaplan

It's hard to convince children to take a bath, but it's even more difficult to dry them. If you have six children this should be much more difficult. After the bath, to seeing around 15 towels in the laundry is not a scene that any mother preferred. Angelyn Myers also decided to solve this issue and she designed My Buddy Towel. As a mother and an entrepreneur, she has won prizes both regionally and nationally with her own design, and now she is a Mompreneur. I talked to Angelyn Myers, who has the ability to find solutions to problems, and I asked her the story of My Buddy Towel.

My Buddy Towel

Angelyn Myers and her family

Angelyn, before talking about My Buddy Towel, could you tell us about yourself and your family? Who is Angelyn Myers?

I'm a wife to Matt Myers. We have been together since 2000, and married since 2005. I'm a mother to Madalyn 16, Kristin 12, Lauren 11, Addyson 10, Brynnlyn 9, Matthew Jr (MJ) 7.

You are a Mompreneur who is a mother of six children. How do you balance your life between work and family?

It can be tough! Both consume all of my time! Kids do come first making sure all their needs are met. While they are at school I do most of my work. Once they are asleep I'm up for a few more hours-returning emails, filling orders, and networking.

My Buddy Towel

My Buddy Towel

How did you come up with My Buddy Towel idea? What inspired you?

My 4th daughter insisting on using so many towels after her bath, which made mountains of towel laundry! One on her head, one around her shoulders, and one tied around her waist! One day after this routine I had a light bulb moment! I thought to myself, this child needs a full body towel! I researched online and couldn't find anything, so I designed my own! I made a prototype and showed it to my family. My husband encouraged me to "go for it"! So I contacted a manufacturer, and in a few weeks, I had a factory made samples! It was amazing to see an idea come to life - The Original My "Buddy" Towel® was born!

After that came patent and trademark filing, and then negotiating prices and quantities with the manufacturer, and soon after I had my 1st batch of green frogs for sale online, in boutiques, and at a waterpark! I'll be releasing 2 new designs soon!

My Buddy Towel

Angelyn Myers

What did My Buddy Towel change in your life?

As a mom- I'm showing my kids you really can do anything you put your mind to! Set goals and accomplish them! I turned an idea into a product that’s now a small business!

As a brand owner- lots of ups and downs and hurdles to conquer- I am learning as I go! It has taught me to step out of my comfort zone. I'm more behind the scenes type of person- not all eyes on me!

My Buddy Towel

Angelyn Myers

Could you tell us about the awards that you won with this design?

Yes! The Original My "Buddy" Towel® won Product of the Year from babyMaternity Magazine, and Best in Show from My Cool Inventions web series. There is an organization called SCORE. It’s completely free for entrepreneurs/business owners! They set you up with a mentor. They hold a small business contest every year. They pick 2 winners from each state. I was one of them from Oklahoma! I won an all expense trip paid to Reno Nevada for a 2-day conference. It was amazing to meet so many like-minded individuals. (I've stayed in touch with many of them!) After that, we were given a Media toolkit to use to spread the word about being a small business champion. They were choosing three winners out of 102 to become the grand champion based on the use of the media kit and how the business would benefit from the winnings. I was so surprised when I found out I was one of the three winners! My husband and I were flown out to Washington DC for a black tie optional dinner gala and to collect $15,000!! I was also a contestant in entrepreneur elevator pitch web series and a graduate of the 1st HSN American Academy of Dreams program!

My Buddy Towel vs Bath Towel… What are the advantages of using My Buddy Towel?

The bath towel is dinosaur age! Little to no coverage-Why use so many and create mountains of laundry? With My "Buddy" Towel you just slip on zip up and go-it's a towel and onesie in one! Plus, kids love to relax while they dry off!

My Buddy Towel

My Buddy Towel

Do you use it in your daily life? What do you enjoy most about using My Buddy Towel?

My kids do use it daily after bath! We have taken them to water parks/lake/ocean as well! I enjoy seeing my idea as a working product that solves my families problem! Now I can share with others that may be facing the same problem!

Could you tell us about My Buddy Towel?

100% cotton on the inside and out. Unlike most children's towels and bathrobes that have polyester which leaves kids feeling soaking wet - these are so absorbent and they dry so fast!

How many different colors and sizes do you offer?

The Green frog is available right now in six sizes. I will soon be releasing two new designs also available in six sizes.

My Buddy Towel

My Buddy Towel

How can our readers buy My Buddy Towel?

Free shipping code "Bontena"

Do you have any new designs on the drawing table? What should we wait?

Many!!! Stay tuned!

Social media has become an important part of daily life. How do you use social media for My Buddy Towel? How can our readers follow My Buddy Towel?

I love social media! It's a great way to connect with customers!

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @mybuddytowel

What is next for you?

I'm selling wholesale to boutiques and water parks. And working on getting into possibly selling on a home shopping network channel!

Thank you Angelyn for this enjoyable interview.

For more information, please visit the website of My Buddy Towel

Thursday, October 18, 2018.

All photos are the property of their respective owners.