Lifestyle - Interview
Interview with Advertising Photographer Alberto Escudero
Lifestyle - Interview
by Melisa Kaya
Alberto Escudero was interested in fashion photography in the early days of his career, but the diversity and freedom in advertising photography led him to specialize in this field. Of course, like every successful photographer, he prefers to work on his own concept projects. He has been working with globally recognised brands such as Adidas, McDonald's, and Ford, and also creating his own personal projects. I had the opportunity to talk with Alberto Escudero about his career and the details of advertising photography.
Alberto, before talking about photography, could you tell us about yourself? Who is Alberto Escudero?
I´m a professional advertising photographer based in Madrid, Spain. I feel very passionate about cinema and music, if my path didn’t take me to photography, probably I would be a musician. My other passion is my family and my two daughters. I feel very lucky to be able to live of photography, its a real privilege.
FIBA - Photo by Alberto Escudero
When did you get your first camera? Do you remember what did you photograph first?
I remember borrowing my fathers' old Canon manual camera when I was 17 years old, it came with a 28 mm, a 50 mm and a 70-200 mm lens, with that camera I took my first pictures, I think the first pictures I shot where some portraits of a friend of mine.
Later on, when I decided to try to be a professional photographer, during a summer working in the USA I save enough money to buy a second-hand professional camera. It was a Nikon F100 with a 35-70 lens. For me, it was a dream come true! I still have both cameras at home.
Photo by Alberto Escudero
How did you decide to pursue a career in photography and establish your own studio? Could you tell us about Alberto Escudero Photography and your team?
I would say that is a mixture of coincidences. Back in the early 2000´s, a friend of mine showed me an Italian Vogue, I felt very fascinated about the pictures in the magazine, I wanted to do that! By the other side, I started university studies but I realized that I didn’t fit in them, so I strongly bet on photography.
My first steps in photography wherein the fashion industry, in one of the magazines I worked I met an art director that introduced me in an advertising agency, and I started working for them, that led me to collaborate with other agencies and finally establish me in the advertising industry.
Basically Alberto Escudero Photography it is me. I take the pictures and retouch my images. When I have a production I collaborate with production companies, and we arrange a team that fits the needs of the picture. Alone, Alberto Escudero Photography is very tinny, but it can grow as big as the job demands.
McDonald's - Photo by Alberto Escudero
What type of services do you offer to your clients?
My job is to deliver an image that serves the final client to sell their product. To achieve that, I offer to the advertising company my vision of how it should be done. For that, I surround myself with a team of professionals to help me to produce it, such as casting departments, makeup, and hair, stylist, photo assistants etc...
Photo by Alberto Escudero
You are specializing in advertising photography. How did your interest in advertising photography begin? What is the most special advertising for you?
At first, I was very interested in fashion photography, I felt it had a strong artistic look. Later on, I discovered that advertising photography could be very artistic too, and I felt very comfortable doing that kind of pictures, so I took the decision to redirect my career in that direction.
The most special advertising for me is the one that has a true soul, the one that makes you believe that you are doing something unique.
Tigo Falcao - Photo by Alberto Escudero
What kind of other fields are you interested in apart from advertising photography?
I really like portrait photography and artistic photography in all its variants.
What was the first commercial product that you photographed? If you were shooting the same photo right now, would the result be very different?
As long as I remember, my first commercial picture was a couple of portraits I made for a second-hand store, very popular in Spain. Obviously, if I had to shoot that picture again it would be different, I have learned a lot along the years, but I feel that the picture would have the same essence, at the end, it is me the eye behind the camera.
Santander Robot - Photo by Alberto Escudero
You have been worked in numerous campaigns for many globally recognised brands, such as Santander, McDonald's, Adidas, and many more. What kind of projects do you prefer to work on?
I prefer to work on assignments where I have something to contribute. When you have to take a picture where the client shows you another picture and he wants to make exactly the same but with his product, the job doesn’t feel exciting and I do it just for money. But when the client comes with a good concept and they ask me how would I execute that, that’s the project.
What are the key points that you pay attention to most before accepting a new project?
I only have two terms. First of all, it has to fit with my style, the client has to know what kind of pictures I make, and second, the client has to have enough resources to reach a production where we can deliver an excellent image, let me explain myself: for example, when a client doesn’t have enough money to hire a good actor, the picture is not going to look awesome, because the model I shoot is our main character and the first element you notice in the image, and if he is not that good, the campaign is not going to work.
Marathon - Photo by Alberto Escudero
In your projects, do you work in a previously defined concept or are you creating your own concept?
Depends on the project, when its an advertising project, the agency usually comes with a concept. But when I shoot my personal work, I develop my own concept.
Photo by Alberto Escudero
Could you tell us about some of your previous works?
Along the years, I have worked for advertising agencies like McCann, DDB, Ogilvy and many others, making pictures for brands like Adidas, Ford or McDonald´s. The type of photography I’ve done for this brands includes car photography, sports photography, portrait or still life photography.
What do you think about the effect of a good photograph in the buyer's decision?
I think that in the current times, advertising photography is underestimated by agencies and brands, but, from my point of view, a good picture placed in the streets is more effective than other commercials supports.
Is it possible for abroad clients to work with you for their advertising photo shoots?
I'm waiting for their calls!!
Photo by Alberto Escudero
Business owners want to solve their problems with the lowest possible costs. Despite this, could you explain to them that why they have to work with a professional photographer for a satisfactory result?
When a client is going to spend tons of money in showing a picture in media, it doesn’t make sense to waste all that money to show a low-quality image. Working with a professional in any area guarantees that the work is going to be done professionally.
Which factors determine the project budget?
Many things!! The quantity of actors, locations, journeys, atrezzo… The more needs, more money is needed.
What are your expectations from your clients for a successful collaboration?
First of all, the agency, the brand and me willing to be open minded. Talk, talk and talk, among all, find a common place to develop the project. If we achieve this, success is guaranteed.
Photo by Alberto Escudero
How do you protect the rights of your photographs in this online era?
There is no way to protect them, anyone can copy a picture of my website and use it as long as I don’t notice. Anyway, I have never noticed...
Could your clients use the photographs in any publication, catalog, website, ad or other platforms in the future?
When I make a budget for a project, there is a paragraph with the image rights and time of use that are included. If the platform in which they are going to use it is in this paragraph, then they can.
Photo by Alberto Escudero
What advice would you give to photographers who want to pursue a career in advertising photography?
First of all, find your style and make a collection of your images that makes you feel proud of them and can be shown, when you have that, try to reach the advertising agencies, creatives, and photo reps to show them your work. At first, no one is going to interview you, but if you try and try, finally you will find the way.
When nobody is watching - Photo by Alberto Escudero
What is your favorite photograph that you have ever taken?
Recently I have made a personal project called “when nobody is watching”. Possibly, those are my favorite pictures.
What do you think about social media? How did it affect competition in the photography industry?
I think its the future, if you want to be noticed you have to be there.
How can our readers follow you?
They can follow me on Instagram at @alberto_escudero_photo or on facebook at @AlbertoEscuderoPhotography, or they can visit my website at www.alberto-escudero.com
What is next for you?
Keep on making good pictures, waiting for that next project that excites me, and maybe directing motion image!!
Thank you Alberto for this enjoyable interview.
For more information, please click here and visit the website of Alberto Escudero
This interview was conducted in a Question-and-Answer format. The answers were checked for grammar and punctuation and published without any additional editing. Tuesday, November 20, 2018. All photos are the property of their respective owners.