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Lifestyle - Interview

Interview with Aaron Thornton, Co-Founder and CEO of YoYo Mats, about Innovative Self Rolling Yoga and Fitness Mats

Your yoga session is over, and now it's time to roll your mat. At this point, let's see the skills of the mat that Aaron and Jack have developed, yes, this mat is becoming a roll by itself. I talked to Aaron Thornton, the inventor of YoYo Mat.

by Mehmet Kaplan
Interview with Aaron Thornton, Co-Founder and CEO of YoYo Mats, about Innovative Self Rolling Yoga and Fitness Mats

Interview with Aaron Thornton, Co-Founder and CEO of YoYo Mats, about Innovative Self Rolling Yoga and Fitness Mats

Lifestyle - Interview

by Mehmet Kaplan

Aaron has wanted to be an inventor since his childhood, and he had this opportunity with the Self Rolling Mat idea which he designed with his father, Jack. Founded in 2014, YoYo Mats has been offering user-friendly yoga mats that take up less space on the shelf as well as folding by itself. I talked to Aaron Thornton, Co-Founder and CEO of YoYo Mats, about the story and the features of self rolling yoga and fitness mats.

Aaron, before start talking about YoYo Mats, could you tell us about yourself? Who is Aaron Thornton?

I am 28. I was born in a small town in central California, I Currently live in Calabasas CA, my dad was a contractor and my mom a housekeeper, I grew up always having a passion for invention and design. Telling my dad "we will be inventors one day". After High school, I went on to model and do stunt work and live in Europe and throughout the US, coming to LA I never stopped trying to improve upon everyday things in my life and eventually the YoYo Mat was born.

YoYo Mats

Aaron Thornton, Co-Founder and CEO of YoYo Mats

How did you and Jack come up with the self-rolling mat idea? What inspired you?

After being certified as a personal trainer for a while I started to get into yoga but I couldn't justify buying a premium mat for $50-$100 when all it was was a floppy piece of rubber, that's when I got the idea to make the Yoga Mat actually a functional product. I had the idea to incorporate the Bistable Tech from messing around with a slap band bracelet. I thought "Maybe this will work I large scale if embedded inside a Yoga Mat" That's when I called my dad (Jack) and the prototyping began.

YoYo Mats

YoYo Mats

Could you tell us about YoYo Mats?

At YoYo Mats, our goal was and still is to create products that bring more value to the customer. Merging the worlds of High-Quality Materials, Modern but Simple Design, and Functionality.

We want our customer to feel empowered and connected to their Mat, a feeling that it is not just a mat, it is a piece of equipment unlike any other, designed to make their individual universe better. They should feel like it was designed just for them personally.

What are the features of self-rolling mats?

The YoYo Mat is a Patented design that allows the mat to
1- Stay Flat
2- Stay rolled up
3- Self-rolling

As well as the mat material is high-quality materials for a comfortable yet sticky workout surface.

YoYo Mats

YoYo Mats

Could you compare YoYo Self-Rolling mats with classic mats?

No, other mats on the market don't offer any of the features we can. You can compare quality but we are either the same quality as our competitors or higher.

How many different size and style option do you offer?

We offer 2 styles and 3 sizes currently

Do you have any new designs on the drawing table?

Yes, several actually, once YoYo Mats has a bigger presence in the marketplace we will be introducing new products with similar design features.

YoYo Mats

YoYo Mats

What do you think about the importance of social media in the fitness industry?

Very important, fitness is a visual thing, whether you are demonstrating workouts or showing fitness products, often its key for the customer to see to understand the concept.

How could our readers follow YoYo Mats?

Instagram @yoyo_mats Facebook/yoyomats or twitter @yoyomats. They can also go on our website and sign up for our blog or newsletter I also post quite a bit on my own social media about YoYo Mats @athor13

How can our readers buy YoYo Mats products? Do you offer the international delivery option?

On,,,,,, and sever online avenues. Yes, we do ship internationally for a $20 flat rate.

YoYo Mats

YoYo Mats

What is next for you?

Expanding the YoYo Mats brand online as well as in retail. Expanding the yoyo line into more products as well as going my personal brand with more TV appearances and speaking engagements centered around entrepreneurship and living your best life possible!

Anything you would like to add that I haven’t asked?

YoYo Mats and its legacy is dedicated to my father and co-inventor Jack Thornton who passed away right before the launch of the brand in 2016.

Thank you Aaron for your time and this enjoyable interview.

For more information, please visit website of YoYo Mats

Tuesday, September 25, 2018.

All photos are the property of their respective owners.